驶,汉语一级字,读作驶(shǐ),本义指马行疾(快)。 也指使行动,开动(多指有发动机的)
Chinese Definition: ①马快跑,泛指迅速:急驶。流驶。 ②使行动,开动(多指有发动机的):驾驶。 Total strokes: 8; Radical: 馬. Pictophonetic: 史 indicates the ...
火车徐徐驶进车站。 火車徐徐駛進車站。 huǒ chē xú xú shǐ jìn chē zhàn . phr. the train moved slowly into the station.
驶 基本解释 · 马快跑,泛指迅速:急~。流~。 · 使行动,开动(多指有发动机的):驾~。
漢字 · 总笔画:15画 · 部首:馬 + 5 畫 · 簡化字:驶 · 异体字:𩢲. 字形拆解 ...
Definitions edit · to run quickly; to dash; to scamper; to gallop · to drive (a vehicle); to sail (a vessel); to fly (an aircraft) quotations .
驶駛shǐ. 〈形容词〉. (1) (形声。从马,史声。本义:马行疾(快)). (2) 同本义 [石崇]复问驭人牛所以驶。——刘义庆《世说新语·汰侈》. (3) 又如:甚驶(骑马跑得很快);驶 ...
Translations in context of "驶" in Chinese-English from Reverso Context: 驾驶, 驾驶员, 自动驾驶, 驾驶舱, 驾驶执照.
to gallop speedily to proceed to to pilot (ship, plane etc) to sail. Example Usage. Are you Studying Chinese? Become fluent in Chinese by watching Chinese ...
駛入 sai2 jap6 = to drive or pull into (a lane, road, port, etc.) detail ...