Whether you're gaming, studying, running a business, or running a household, Windows 11 helps you get it done. Discover streamlined new features for every way ...
Windows is the most popular desktop operating system in the world, with a 70% market share as of March 2023, according to StatCounter. ... However, Windows is not ...
Andersen crafts and designs windows and doors that are a true reflection of the self-expressive people who put them in their homes.

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows,或称Windows操作系统,是微软以图形用户界面为主推出的一系列专有商业软件操作系统。它于1985年问世,起初为运行于MS-DOS之下的桌面环境,其后续版本逐渐发展成为主要为个人电脑和服务器用户设计的操作系统,并最终获得了世界个人电脑操作系统的垄断地位。 维基百科
第一版发布日期1985 年 11 月 20 日
内核类别Windows NT系列:混合核心; Windows CE系列:混合核心; Windows 9x及更低版本:集成式内核 (MS-DOS)
市场取向个人电脑; 移动设备; 服务器; 增强现实; 游戏机

Shop Windows and more at The Home Depot. We offer free delivery, in-store and curbside pick-up for most items.
You can use this page to download a disc image (ISO file) that can be used to install or reinstall Windows 10. The image can also be used to create installation ...
At Pella, we do more than create windows and doors. We go beyond to exceed expectations. Explore our windows, patio doors and entry doors for your project.
2021年6月24日 · Windows 11 brings you closer to the news and information you care about faster with Widgets – a new personalized feed powered by AI and best-in- ...