装(拼音:zhuāng)为汉语一级通用规范汉字(常用字)。 此字始见于战国文字,字形从衣为形,壮为声。 “装”指缠束好的出行用具,即行李、行装,又引申泛指衣服。 “装”也引申作动词用,指整备行装,再引申为装运、装备、安装。
For pronunciation and definitions of 装 – see 裝 (“baggage; luggage; bags; outfit; clothes; clothing; etc.”).
Chinese Definition: ①穿着的衣物:服装。便装。军装。中山装。装裹。 ②特指演员演出时的穿戴打扮:上装。卸装。 ③特指出行时带的东西:治装。整装待发。
English definition and translation from Chinese of: 装with examples on how to use, sound, pronunciation, stroke order animations for each character and more ...
装(裝)zhuāng ㄓㄨㄤˉ. ◎ 穿着的衣物:服装。便装。军装。中山装。装裹。 ◎ 特指演员演出时的穿戴打扮:上装。卸装。 ◎ 特指出行时带的东西:治装。整装待发。
Definitions edit ... 佢間屋裝得好靚。 [Hong Kong Cantonese, trad.] 佢间屋装得好靓。 [Hong Kong Cantonese, simp.] ... to assemble; to install (a fixture, a computer ...
Learn more details about 装 Chinese character and share your story, photos and comments about it. Also check out the example sentences for the character.
装 ()— · install · clothing · pack. less common: adornment. ·.
漢字 · 总笔画:12画 · 部首:衣 + 6 畫 · 傳統字:裝. 字形拆解/ ...